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Insider Secrets to Beating the Odds and Selling Your Agency

From the desk of Jeremy Haynes

Most agency owners could agree that selling a marketing agency is tough.

Some dream about the opportunity, and others haven’t even considered it yet.

You don’t know what you don’t know, and most agency owners have no idea on how to scale and sell their agency.

As I was scaling mine, mentors were my greatest asset.

The ability to call someone who’s in your future shoes...

...and ask questions to get help in real time on problems you’re facing that others have already overcome, is extremely valuable.

Have you ever been asked, “if you could go back and give your younger self advice, what would you say?”

That’s what mentors are to me.

They are like real life cheat codes to get what you want faster, with less stress and more certainty.

Judge Graham is one of those mentors that I’m very grateful for.

He’s built and sold two agencies, one for $50,000,00+ with hundreds of staff and the second agency for a 9 figure transaction with thousands of staff.

His clients were whale deals, and his team got big results for them consistently.

Jeff Lack, who’s the CMO for JiffyLube, said, “Judge helped us identify new ways to gain incremental customers and service them better, which has catapulted our business.”

Best selling author, Matt Manero and owner of a 9 figure business said, “I have personally used Judge's scaling strategies to help my company, Commercial Fleet Financing, Inc. grow to over $100 million. I recommend Judge to any business owner of any size.”

Judge has an entire page full of heavy testimonials to validate his success in getting big clients results.

Mentors help us expand our vision, and help us understand what we can accomplish in the game at higher levels.

I introduced Judge to my community of over 1,900+ agency owners around the world.

I did that with the intention of helping the students get a perspective on what it was going to take to sell their marketing agency.

After getting hundreds of questions on what to do on a live stream, Judge realized he needed to create a workshop that could help answer all of these questions in depth so the students could increase their odds of selling an agency.

The course he created covers how to grow, scale and sell.

It’s packed with what you need to know to pull off the big play.

To be clear, this is not a get rich quick scheme or something that will be easy.

Most of the students who join will fail in attempting to sell, because they are not positioned correctly to do so.

It takes years of work, the right systems, the right staff, investment banker connections, mentors, accountability, and an extreme determination to follow through on your desired result.

This is not for the weak minded or those who easily give up on long term goals.

You need to have a big vision, and be willing to invest into your leadership and business owner skill sets constantly as you scale.

And if you make it to the end of the rainbow…

...there is a MASSIVE pot of gold waiting for you there.

There was a great video I saw when I was younger, of the CIA director at the time, presenting to a press conference about “known knowns, known unknowns, and unknown unknowns.”

He said, “there are known knowns, meaning things that we know, that we know.

There are known unknowns, these are things that we know, that we don’t know.

And then there are the unknown unknowns... these are the things that we don’t know, that we don’t know.”

When you’re scaling your marketing agency, you might be adding years onto a potential exit or losing the opportunity all together for selling your business.

All because you don’t know what you could know, that could make it all possible faster.

If you’re in a car, and you go flying over a cliff side into water… the worst time to google ‘how to escape a drowning vehicle’ is while you’re drowning!

The same is true while you’re running your agency.

You need to know what’s possible and what paths you can take so those new paths become options for you too before it’s too late!

I remember a friend of mine had bought a new car, and years after owning the vehicle he found ONE BUTTON that enabled him to get 20% more efficiency out of his fuel.

That’s huge considering what that 20% would be over a year in cost and the extra distance he gets while driving now!

When running a marketing agency, there’s a ton that we can do...

...if we know when and how to do it.

Sometimes all it takes is one new action, that makes all the difference…

Or one small shift, that gets an extra 20% revenue for the year.

Unfortunately we don’t get an owners manual handed to us on how to scale our agency to these higher levels... until now.

Judge packed Sell The Agency with dozens of those actions, that get big results if you apply them to your agency.

He also loaded the course with some heavy strategies and tactical plans that will take a committed team to implement correctly.

All with the intention of helping you cross the finish line to get that shiny trophy and a big payday…

Full disclaimer, and just to state the obvious - not everyone who joins into this program will sell a marketing agency.

There will only be a small percentage of you who join in that make it all the way, and stay committed to follow through.

You will get the resources, mentor-ship, and access you need for ongoing support from Judge through the video courses, community, and live streams with Q&A.

There’s also several downloadable assets, templates, and resources you’ll get access to throughout the program.

Judge calls this a workshop.

After a majority of the videos, you are given a clear set of actions to take so you can get the most value from the investment.

The cost of enrollment is discounted for my existing student base, and you are given first dibs on getting into the course.

Sell The Agency workshop is broken down into 12 sections:
  • Section 1 - How agency sales are structured and valued
  • ​Section 2 - Mapping out you personal and business end game
  • ​Section 3 - The one-page attack & conquer plan (OPACP™) overview
  • ​Section 4 - How to DOMINATE your competitors
  • ​Section 5 - Creating market leader positioning and carving out your niche
  • ​Section 6 - Building your ideal target and customer
  • ​Section 7 - How to properly set, assign and measure business goals
  • ​Section 8 - Creating a GROWTH culture
  • ​Section 9 - Building your mission statement and finalizing your OPACP™
  • ​Section 10 - How to create daily rhythm, accountability, measurement and optimization
  • ​Section 11 - How to Become the market leader in your niche
  • ​Section 12 - The must haves in order to be in a good position to sell your company
You’ll also get several downloads throughout the workshop including templates, the one page attack and conquer sheet, the money sheet, and several other assets that will help you as an agency owner looking to sell the business.

When you join into the program, you’re saving 20% on the cost others will pay in the future.

And no, there won’t be any sales for this workshop after the launch.

This information is far too valuable.

We’re excited to welcome you in, and show you a higher perspective on the agency game if this is right for you.

It’s an honor to help Judge put together a high impact workshop and we’re both thrilled to help the handful of students who join in.

Once enrolled, you’ll get access to all of the lessons, community and workshops after July 30th, 2019.

The 20% off sale during the presell ends immediately following the launch on that same day.

Our approach starts with helping you develop your character, and what attributes about yourself, your life and your accomplishments you wish to digitize and make known.
We’ve worked with students in the past that have had slow operational processes that slow us down in getting them results...

And sometimes those students point the finger of blame at us, which isn’t fun nor deserved. 

We’ve also worked with students that take a lot of action...

But they are uncalculated actions that result in chaos from undetermined efforts and lack of thinking prior to taking action. 

Students who take smart actions quickly, get the best results with our University.

Our best students are already making $100,000+ with their personal brands, some even more than that when we first start mentoring them... 
Power quote
who it's from
Power quote
who it's from
Power quote
who it's from
We want to ensure all students of Personal Brand University have the highest potential to get big results...

Therefore we’re extremely selective of who we allow in.

If you’re just getting started on your Personal Brand... 

This will give you the exact blueprint you need to avoid all of the costly mistakes and obstacles others had to learn the hard way. 

If you’re already in motion...

This investment into yourself and your team will act as a complete upgrade to how you’re likely operating and will give you a clearer path to big results.

If you’re ready to level up in the Agency game, Invest Into Yourself.
It’s about time you start helping people at scale and getting paid more.

If you’re ready to level up in the Agency game, Invest Into Yourself.
It’s about time you start helping people at scale and getting paid more.

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IMPORTANT: Earnings and Legal Disclaimers

As stated by law, we cannot and do not make any guarantees about your own ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, programs or strategies. Nothing on this page or any of our workshops, courses, groups, websites or emails is a promise or guarantee of future earnings. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites or emails, are simply estimates or projections or past results, and should not be considered exact, actual or as a promise of potential earnings.

All numbers are illustrative only.